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Written Works

(11 February, 2022)

Inspired by prior experience going through periods where my brain suddenly "short-circuits", I pushed myself to send the strained, stressed, and pained feeling of being unable to focus through the art of language, using elements of the C++ coding language to cement the inorganic feeling of the piece.


Creating intricate, descriptive settings, feelings, and actions is one of my favorite parts of creative writing, and I feel that this passion is expressed front-and-center in Burnout. 

The Meeting
(24 March, 2022)
(Character Interaction Exercise)

This piece was a character exercise. I wrote two of my characters interacting with one another in preparation for a future project. My focus was on establishing a dynamic between the characters, and giving the reader a snippet of their personalities, while also not giving too much away in the realm of the overall story.


When characterizing people in writing, I really enjoy adding subtle details that may or may not elude to a specific flaw of the character, or foreshadow a significant plot-point. Because The Meeting is a character interaction exercise, there is a significant amount of dialogue establishing how these characters relate and work together.

Drying Laundry
(8 April, 2022)
(Short Story)

Drying Laundry is a short story based on an out-of-body experience I had while reading The Crucible in one of my high school literature classes. I wanted to make the imagery in this tale as vivid and entrancing as possible, so as to bring the readers in and allow them to intimately experience everything the protagonist does.


This story asks a question that may never be solved; does reincarnation occur in reality? Further, it explores the feelings of one of the witches during the Salem Witch Trials, putting the audience in her shoes to feel a snippet of her unbridled terror.

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